When you’re a smart ass, you’re a smart ass. You just cannot help yourself. You were raised in a privileged position and have always had a privileged life. So the care, needs, and mores of ordinary people and their sensitivities mean nothing to you. You are raised in a black society but in that society,y you have a privileged position and you get a pass that black people do not get. So that practice is internalized and it becomes a right, a privilege. Some people can overcome the prejudices that come with their upbringing. Adrian White the MP for St Ann’s is not one of them. Every time he speaks he falls into error on that point. It is very sad but that is what he is and the PLP must deal with him and call him out on it until he learns the lesson that nature’s passport is not in fact a passport but is the heritage god given like everyone else’s heritage: no more no less.