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There are some hard and difficult facts to deal with. The Bahamas has 80 per cent of its land mass at five feet or below. That means that if there is a rise in the sea level, the country is gone, most of it if not all
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. That could happen by 2100 if there is nothing done to intervene. In the short term, there are the defences that have to be built up against the rising tide, better sea barriers. In the long-term, the developed world has to stop pouring carbon dioxide into the air and turn to renewable energy. The cold hard fact said Prime Minister Perry Christie as he spoke to the United Nations Climate Change Summit, despite all the talk about climate change and the agreements, the situation has gotten worse not better. The Prime Minister was in New York for the special summit called by Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General for the United Nations. The photo shows the Prime Minister at the podium at the United Nations as he delivered his statement on Tuesday 23rd September. The photo is by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services. You may click here for the Prime Minister’s full statement which was delivered on 23rd September.