Prime Minister Philip Davis is off to his second Conference of the Parties (COP) 27. Last year, he made his debut in Scotland and became a signature figure in the fight against climate change. Not much has changed since those grand declarations last year and many in the world and The Bahamas are asking what is the use of going to these meetings if they accomplish nothing. In fact, we now know that the world cannot meet the target of being below pre-industrial temperatures by 2030 of 1.5 degrees centigrade. That is a failed effort, we know that now. This year the buzzwords are: loss and damage. The developed world which caused all the damage abusing the atmosphere and polluting it for their development is refusing to pay for the loss and damage that the developing world now suffers with climate change. It hardly seems like they will pay up for that when they refused to give the money they pledged for mitigation and adaptation in the Green Climate Fund. Anyway off to see the Pharaoh indeed. Let’s hope that The Bahamas will bring back the bacon.