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. Venezuela which has been a stalwart ally in helping with the economic crisis through oil payment supports seems on the verge of imploding. Perry Christie has to help keep this fractious moment together and stop it from breaking apart. It may almost be as bad as the time no meetings of heads were held because the heads back in the 1970s simply did not like each other. There are elections coming up in several of the countries: Guyana, find Suriname and Trinidad are the main ones. Both societies have reached an almost even impasse between themselves and the opposition parties. The recent election in St Kitts and Nevis proved to be a cliffhanger as well especially after it appears that the outgoing Prime Minister was refusing to go by stopping the election count. Mr. Christie ever the optimist said in his opening address that the real future was the young people of the region and that is where our focus should be.
You may click here for the full statement of the Prime Minister.