The PLP’s Chairman Fred Mitchell issued this statement after videos started surfacing on Friday 2nd August showing the Post Office Building awash in water. This is the same building that Brent Symonette said he gave to the Government at a fire sale lease price. Did someone say: “ crooked deal”?
Statement from the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party
The Post Office At Town Centre Mall
For Immediate Release
2nd August 2019
After creating a redundant crisis in the public postal service and a delay of two years so that the pockets of a cabinet minister could be lined with public funds, the post office is back in the news. This time the Minister Renward Wells says a pipe burst and the harm was minimal.
We say this damage at the Post Office today recalls the shameful act of self-dealing and conflict of interest which brought the post office to the Town Centre Mall. It was the wrong place, in an old run down building and a waste of public funds.
It looks to us like that early morning call between the owner Brent Symonette, then a Minister and the Prime Minister led to shoddy workmanship, negligence and short cuts which caused today’s incident.
This incompetence on the part of the FNM government has created an unsafe workplace and has placed the health, safety and wellbeing of scores of workers at risk. This is in addition to more inconvenience to the general public and millions more to be paid in a breach of contract lawsuit stemming from the original post office agreement.
Clearly this government does not know what it is doing.