There was a long press release by two companies called Lusco and Tamarind Development. They are from Grand Bahama and they are simply part of the Grand Bahama Port Authority’s group of companies. The story was to tell us why the bridge to Taino Beach is still closed after a year and no action seems to be ongoing to fix the damn thing. Well here is their story. They say all this time they have been talking to experts to make sure that while the repairs are going on the power can stay on and the water can stay on for those customers living across the bridge that has taken a year, Then they say they have finally hit upon an expert company Bahamas Hot Mix to fix the bridge. Now what would take them so long to settle on Bahamas Hot Mix since Bahamas Hot Mix does the Port’s work almost all the time anyway. The thing has taken so long. The story is so fanciful. Inquiring and reasonable minds have simply concluded that is not the true story at all. The true story is they simply don’t have the money to fix the bridge. We stand to be corrected.