So we can’t campaign with more than five people and they have all to be vaccinated, except that only 10 per cent of the population is vaccinated and he vaccine deniers are in abundance at 90 per cent . The Government has no effective campaign of public education on vaccines. Three people in one week in the passport office died from covid, The office has been closed several times within the last month. The Minister of Health announced that no indoor dining can take place, only outdoor unless people who are going indoors are vaccinated. They then chopped one hour from our freedom so we now have to be back home by 10 p m. Oh yes, no one can visit you your homes. This is the kind of nonsense that the FNM Government has imposed in the face of the crisis in covid cases in The Bahamas. The tourists are running around hog wild with no masks. Bahamians are being harassed by the covid police. Freedom of speech being truncated. This is all supposed to stop covid. Nothing that Hubert Minnis has done since March 2021 has worked to stop covid, yet he says give me another chance. What part of no don’t you understand Prime Minister?