For the past two weeks, the press of The Bahamas have been obsessed with the question of what Fred Mitchell said about the Freedom of Information Act. Candia Dames, the vixen from hell, started it off in The Nassau Guardian one morning by telling a lie about what Mr. Mitchell said about the act. She claimed that he said that the PLP opposes in the present the idea of a Freedom of Information Act. He in fact said opposed but never mind that fact. She produced a tape in which it sounds as if he said oppose in the present and off she went to the races without check to see if that is in fact what he said. All the others have now picked up the narrative. Typical of the FNM and its surrogates are with this stuff. The point that is lost is that within the tape on which they rely, the Chairman said that it simply not a priority. Then they hung their hat of the line of sarcasm “Freedom of Information I don’t think so”. Meaning not right now. The press in The Bahamas is lame.