The New Hotel Licensing Board

Nassau, The Bahamas – The Hon. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments & Aviation (MOTIA) met with the new Hotel Licensing Board, January 12, 2022. Also at the meeting were Reginald Saunders, Permanent Secretary, MOTIA; John Pinder, Parliamentary Secretary, MOTIA; and Ms .Glenda Johnson, Chief Licensing Officer, Hotel Licensing Department, MOTIA.
Group photo, from left: Francis Taylor, Director Hotel Licensing Board; Glenda Johnson, Chief Licensing Officer, Hotel Licensing Department, MOTIA; Calvin Greene, Director Hotel Licensing Board; Reginald Saunders, Permanent Secretary, MOTIA; Roderick Colebrook, Chairman, Hotel Licensing Board; the Hon. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments & Aviation; John Pinder, Parliamentary Secretary, MOTIA; Glendia Munroe, Deputy Chairman, Hotel Licensing Board; and Ian Mitchell, Director Hotel Licensing Board. (BIS Photos/Kemuel Stubbs)