PLPs have a tough job. They have not been in office for one year yet or put another way, they are approaching one year in office and the troops , some of them feel that they have been left out. Every day, there are the video notes, the audio notes, the messages of anger about how they didn’t get a contract or they didn’t get a returned call or text, within two seconds of the call or how some FNM is victimizing them or they did not get a permanent and pensionable letter for the public service or they didn’t get a promotion or some FNM got a job over them or worse there is a PLP who is not really a PLP or there is a PLP who just come and should not have gotten it over them. It is quite extraordinary. The song writer Eddie Minnis said: “ No matter what you do. Some people never satisfied.” The old days there was creed in the PLP, you try to help at least one in a family and that helps everybody. These days that doesn’t cut it. They say why did you help my brother and not me. The New Day Government got hell on their hands.