The Nassau Guardian and The Tribune have a fixation about the trip to Bermuda made by the Prime Minister in November of this year, Weeks after the successful foreign affairs trip, they are still seeking to characterize it as a political trip. They are working in concert with a politically dishonest Opposition FNM who keep going at this as if they have found a hot dog. The confusion is further bred by the dissembling response of the government on the matter which was on the face of it a straight out foreign affairs trip. There is no need for the PLP to reimburse the government for anything at all.
But that is now is water under the bridge and the process of the accounting is being done or at least so says the Prime Minister’s press people and placed it at the feet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.. Last week at the press conference of the Office of Prime Minister, the spokesman revisited the matter and promised the that the Foreign Ministry would be dealing with the matter within two weeks,
Then the Nassau Guardian wrote an editorial about why the Foreign Ministry is taking so long to reconcile the bills. Bullocks. Lying on the Minister of Foreign Affairs about some statement which he is alleged to have made. They keep repeating it even though it has been pointed out to them time and again that it is a lie.
If the Nassau Guardian wants to know how things actually work in the government try speaking to these folk who have been waiting for months to get paid because the Ministry of Finance hasn’t got the paper work in place. The accounting procedures in the government are shockingly slow and often inept to the point of crazy. As for our part we would tell all these knuckleheads at the Nassau Guardian go jump in the lake, when its paid they will know and not a minute before.