discount cialis generic times;”>On Thursday 5th February there was some pretty bad weather in and around the northern Bahamas. The weather office for The Bahamas issued a severe thunderstorm warning for the northern Bahamas until midday that day. If you are a layman and not a weatherman, tadalafil you would ignore such warnings because you tend to react to the weather you see. Sitting in Nassau, the day was absolutely fabulous, barely a cloud in the sky. Well high above you, there were these thin wispy clouds but nothing to speak of.
A quick call to Freeport, Grand Bahama, however and that was a completely different story. It was midday and the folk there said to those on the ground in Nassau: do not come because the weather is dreadful. That news should have reached the airlines but alas if they did get the message, it didn’t move them at all.
Now the background to this is the fact that there was to be a major conference that night in Grand Bahama at which the Prime Minister was to be the featured speaker on the financial services sector. It was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. The nation’s financial services sector was therefore sitting in the airport trying to get to Freeport for the start of their conference. Sitting waiting for the flight to board were two ministers of the government, a Queen’s Counsel, the Managing Directors of at least four banks, and the Executive head of the Securities Commission. These folk of high quality were joined of course by other ordinary citizens trying to get home or to their holiday destination.
Bahamasair made no mention of the weather, nor did Sky or Western Air.
The flights were all boarded, a little late but no problems otherwise.
So the passengers of importance are on Bahamasair, a Dash 8 manufactured in 1989 and the co-pilot, a female assures us that well all is well. Passengers who travel all the time have come to know that when a pilot comes on to tell you all is well, beware because the weather is likely to be terrible and the flight really bad. They now have the propensity to describe the bad flight as a few bumps. According to her: there was “some weather” in Freeport, but they would do their best to find a hole to get through. Famous last words.
The question we ask, is with all the radar available why would you not just stay on the ground until it clears?
The passengers could see after passing the Berry Islands that well it was simply a wall of clouds. The Florida media had been showing it before they left on the television screens. Bad weather. Once over the Berrys, the co-pilot said they would try their best to get through by making a right turn and heading toward Abaco
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. It would add fifteen minutes to the flight. Then half an hour later, she said no can do. They tried to get around it and could find no hole so they were turning back to Nassau. Better safe than sorry. Landed in Nassau without incident.
When back on the ground, the passengers were told that Western Air turned back and Sky never took off. The reason: the weather.
While on the ground, shaken passengers came stumbling off about an hour later from a Bahamasair flight which left Freeport to come to Nassau. Usual flying time 30 minutes. They took two hours to get to Nassau, and aborted two landings before they finally got on the ground.
The passengers on the flight of Bahamasair Nassau to Freeport later all left on a jet 737 which was put on to take the Prime Minister and the other passengers, a full flight at 5:30. By that time, a few bumps but the weather was gone and they landed without incident about 6 pm. All’s well that ends well.
Now the Myles Munroe effect. Rev. Myles Munroe faced the same weather back on 9th November. His pilot had to do a go around. He tried again with what we now know were tragic consequences. Nine people including the reverend and the pilot, a child, all on board died in one horrific accident. The question people still ask today: why did they simply not go back to Nassau and wait it out until the weather cleared? Why indeed?
On the plane as the passengers were going in the incident we report, the passengers all had Myles Munroe and that accident on their minds. As the flight finally landed, someone said by all means avoid the shipyard. Yes by all means.
The moral of the story is you don’t have to get anywhere that will risk your life. Airline plots and airlines should have the judgment not even to take off in bad weather given all the problems and accidents this country has had for it. Imagine if that old Bahamasair plane with those fifty souls, two ministers, lawyers, and bankers on aboard had gone down. What would we have been writing about today?
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