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. From left to right are: Ms. Pilar Ramon-Pardo, PAHO and WHO advisor on Clinical Management of Infectious Diseases; Ambassador Newry; and Ms. Roberta Andraghetti, PAHO and WHO advisor on International Health Regulations.
Washington D C
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Although there is a universal consensus that there are no reasons for The Bahamas to be concerned about the deadly Ebola virus, The Bahamas should have the capability to detect and manage any potential cases of the deadly disease.
That was the advice given to His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador to the United States, and other Bahamian diplomats in Washington, D.C., during a briefing on Monday, August 10, 2014 by two officials of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) on the likelihood of the Ebola virus reaching the Caribbean.
Ms. Roberta Andraghetti, PAHO and WHO advisor on International Health Regulations, and Ms. Pilar Ramon-Pardo, PAHO and WHO advisor on Clinical Management of Infectious Diseases, also discussed the spread of the Chikunguna virus among the islands of the Caribbean.
The briefing was initiated by the Embassy in order to obtain the latest updates, relevant protocols, precautionary measures, and direct contacts, keeping in mind that the Ministry of Health/PHA and Government Health Officials in The Bahamas are abundantly aware and charged with these matters, with the Embassy’s role in Washington, D.C., being complimentary.
Ambassador Newry was joined at the briefing, held in the board room of the Bahamas Embassy at 2220 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., by Mr. Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of Mission; Miss Krissy Hanna, Second Secretary/Vice Consul; and Mr. Mikhail Bullard, Third Secretary/Vice Consul.