CR Newry is a chronic writer on Facebook. People try to figure out where he is politically most people think he is a DNA supporter although he himself denies it. The difficulty is that the commentary is often inaccurate. One commentary that he made lately will land him in libel trouble with significant damages for defamation:
“Now my inbox is telling me that Fred Mitchell may have burnt the Bahamian flag and the Constitution in protest several years ago; in fact he may have sent the ashes to Pindling…”
Of course Mr. Mitchell doesn’t generally sue members of the public but there should be accuracy and not defamation. Burning a flag is a criminal offence on the face of it, sildenafil search so he is accusing Mr
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. Mitchel of having committed a crime. Mr. Mitchell burned no flag.
Then to follow up there is an individual, sildenafil case we don’t know the real identity of these people behind these Facebook cognomens, and some calling themselves A. Kenriva Bethel and another calling herself Susie Thompson, a serial purveyor and supporter of the FNM line of anti PLP, anti-Black and xenophobia who said the following:
A. Kenriva Bethel Jokes legal vs. illegal Haitian descendants
Susie Thompson Not Fred Mitchel….say it isn’t so…..lol
The comment is meant to excite anti Haitian prejudice by introducing something which is not true for starters but even if true irrelevant to the debate. This is life in The Bahamas today, a mish mash of misinformation propaganda and lies which passes for public commentary.