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viagra sale times;”>Damien Gomez put on a stout defence of The Bahamas and its reputation in the face of the lies told by Fred Smith and the Grand Bahamas Human Rights Association about The Bahamas. Fred Smith, funded by only who knows, was in Washington D C with a full head of hair and full beard, looking like Attila the Hun, and portraying himself at various sites as the champion of the down trodden immigrant in The Bahamas. Bahamians know only too well what people in the United States do not know and that is the only thing Fred Smith cares about is himself and money. The only thing in which he is expert is shameless self-promotion
It is interesting how delusional this fellow is. At the after party for Jack Hayward in Freeport Mr
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. Smith was boasting to friends that he had the government frightened and on the run with regard to its immigration policy. Only in his own mind. He thinks that much of himself. In the day to day running of immigration policy, Fred Smith does not even feature one minute of the time of the Department of Immigration, we would venture to guess.
He has his little minions running with him. Joseph Darville, the former school teacher, and Paco Nunez, the former Tribune editor and now Louby Georges the former Guardian radio talk show host. That should tell you a lot. A collection of formers: has beens, human detritus, all searching for a role and for relevance. When we examined the pictures at the hearing in Washington, trumped up and contrived by Mr. Smith, he had in the background Noelle Nicolls the one who in a flagrant ethical violation, used access at the Women’s Crisis Centre to put the business of a Jamaican woman into the streets. It’s a real collection of misfits.
The Bahamas has to use its scarce resources to fight off this internal enemy, when it could be using its scarce resources to stop these illegal migrants from coming to The Bahamas and get rid of those who are in The Bahamas. Instead we have to fight phony charges and excessive rhetoric by the consummate egoist in the name of Fred Smith.
Well madness comes in all forms. This is surely the madness of Fred Smith.
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