The FNM Government is now about to commit another act of financial lunacy. The Government has tabled legislation which will enable it to purchase the Grand Bahama International Airport from the Grand Bahama Port Authority and the Hutchison Whampoa Group. This is because the Port/ Hutchison Combo has refused to honour their obligations under the Hawksbill Creek Agreement to provide an international airport for the city. The airport was wrecked some 19 months ago by Hurricane Dorian and the Port simply refused to fix the airport. This is the same scam the company pulled on the FNM government after Hurricane Dorian and forced the Government with their eyes wide open to buy the Grand Lucayan Hotel they said to save jobs but which is not now open and there are no jobs there. Why can’t these people in the FNM who govern us not see the scam and protect our interests? It is now going to cost the Bahamian public to build an airport that should have been provided by the Grand Bahama Port Authority who continue to have the licensing power in the city of Freeport.