On Wednesday or Tuesday of this week, we forget which, it was simply so stupid and comical, some women from the Free National Movement got on television in a press conference to feed the appetite of Tribune readers for salacious and titillating nonsense. They drew themselves up, these ladies of quality, to say that they wanted the police to investigate the allegations made anonymously by a woman who says she was the girlfriend of a member of parliament and that he raped her.
This is the same lady we presume who was put on TV with her face hidden to say that her former boyfriend needs help and that he ripped her jeans off her. Sounds equivocal to us but then let’s not let the truth interfere with a good story.
The FNM, Eyewitness News, and The Tribune all like gang bangers heaping up in indignation, that well, this MP must be investigated.
Oh yeah, Michael Pintard, the Leader of the Opposition, was leading the pack with his message that the PLP only investigates their political opponents. He forgot that he sat in the Cabinet under Hubert Minnis and allowed three former PLP MPS to be taken to court in chains. That the court condemned two ministers of the FNM government for interfering with the justice for these three members. It was shameful but he remained silent.
Then who could forget the report that Hank Johnson the former FNM MP was accused in the open of abusing his girlfriend as well? There was a public report and the police investigated and nothing came out of it. Michael Pintard and the FNM ladies of quality forgot all that
Chapter 7 vs 5 of the gospel of Matthew says the following: You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
When you run into Michael Pintard and these ladies of quality from the FNM, remind them of this bible verse and tell them to go sit down and shut up.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday, 22nd April , 2023 up to midnight: 446,552;
Number of hits for the month of April up to Saturday, 22nd April, 2023 up to midnight; 1,609,939;
Number of hits for the year 2023 up to Saturday, 22nd April, 2023 up to midnight: 6,556,125.