The Lecturer At COB And Iconoclast Ian Strachan On Myles Munroe
(posted on his Facebook page)
viagra sale seek times;”>It is still hard to believe that Myles Munroe has passed. He was our super hero in a way. He seemed too alive, cure too vigorous, too passionate to just “stop being” at 5 o clock or so on a Sunday afternoon. I can’t get used to the idea. And I feel that our community has lost someone it can never replace. I consider him one of the greatest Christian teachers of this age. Power and profundity in complete simplicity: that is how I would describe his messages. I am grateful for every opportunity I had to worship at BFM and to listen and see him preach through media. In short, I believe he was a genius and one of the most exceptional people our country and region has ever produced. I believe God’s hand was on his life. I did not always agree with Pastor Munroe but there seems no point at all in discussing our differences now he’s gone and can’t respond. I’ll miss him. I would rather he lived another 60 years and disagree with him on occasion and be enlightened by him far more often, than to never again hear him teach. A fountain of wisdom has been shut off
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. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of BFM and with all those whose lives he touched. A light has gone out but to God be the glory. I hope to see him in Heaven.