The Leader Of The Opposition Visits Potter’s Cay Dock

Philip Brave Davis and a team of PLPs including Senator Fred Mitchell, Michael Darville and Clay Sweeting did a walk through of the dock stalls at Potter’s Cay 25th June 2019. There has been a crash of business following two homicides at the Cay. The police have responded by increasing security and restricting parking on the causeway. The vendors say that this has made the situation much worse and they have no business now because of over policing. Mr. Davis and his team went out to raise awareness of the problem. The Minister of Agriculture Michael Pintard said that they were aware of the issues but offered no solutions. The Minister for National Security Marvin Dames denied that there as any connection between policing issues and business on the docks. The vendors are also afraid that the private pubic partnership that the government proposes for the management going forward for the dock will leave them out of the occasion. The PLP’s leader asked that the rental fee for the stalls be waived until there is recovery of the business at the dock.