The Knives Are Out For Minnis
best viagra ask times;”>When you read Hubert Ingraham’s amanuensis Simon and the Front Porch column in the Nassau Guardian, sickness you really cannot believe how savage an FNM could be toward another FNM. We thought an earlier column was savage but this last one under the headline, saying that he was very bad to much worse to disastrous. It cut him to shreds. This is all over the fact that they disagree with the appointment of Senator Lonisha Rolle in the FNM Senate seat. FNMs thought it should have gone to Monique Gomez who is the head of the FNM Women’s Association. The traditionalists are also sore because Dr
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. Minnis outsmarted them and beat them at the convention held last November. He is now stacking the decks with his people so they won’t be able to dismantle him before the next election. They are pissed. How on earth can a house divided win?