The Kennedy Monument Is Destroyed

Statement From Senator Fred Mitchell
Opposition Spokesman on Foreign Affairs
On The Destruction of The Kennedy McMillan Diefenbaker Monument
13 December 2019
For Immediate Release
Approximately two weeks ago, the monument marking the meeting of John Kennedy, then President of the United States and then Prime Minister Harold McMillan of Great Britain and John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada was destroyed in a traffic accident. The rubble remains there unattended to.
This is disgraceful. At great public expense, the Government of The Bahamas refurbished the monument to mark the 50th anniversary of the visit. It was dedicated as part of the wider symbol of the relationship between the U S and ourselves. The rubble that now remains, is this symbolic of the relationship between our countries? Is that what our government intends?
Symbols are important, and I call upon the Government forthwith to effect the repairs and restore the site.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Tourism should have acted with dispatch to do so.