generic cialis treatment times;”>The great Percy “Vola” Francis, cialis leader of the Shell Saxon Superstars, who were declared the winners then displaced by the group One Family in the Boxing Day Junkanoo.
The old days, the Junkanoo results used to come out by 9 a.m. right after the parade was finished. These days with computers and fancy accountants they can’t seem to count. Must be the new Math. Anyway, here are the results, 24 hours late:
Overall winners:
Saxons 86.7 pts
Roots 85.01 pts
One Family 80.09 pts
Valley Boys 73.02 pts
Or so we thought. These people can’t count. At about 9 p.m. on 27th December a full day and a half after the parade was finished, it turned out that the Saxons were not the winners after all but their derivative group One Family
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. So now here are the latest results. But don’t hold your breath:
- One Family 87.60 pts
- Saxons 86.87 pts
- Roots 85.134 pts
- Valley 83.02 pts