cialis purchase times;”>Constable Christopher Thompson being arraigned for spreading naked pictures on the web on Thursday 28th January, for sale allegedly defaming the subject.
prescription times;”>We tried to make a point last week with the language employed in the Comment of The Week. That offended some people. Many thought it was too raw. But this is We accept however that there is a standard that ought to be set. What the column demonstrated though is that this society is infused with the issues in and around sexuality
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. Two men have been charged. Last week it was Edmund Lewis Jr. who was fired as a constable from the force then charged for spreading child porn. This week another youngster on the force 21 years old, Christopher Thompson (pictured) was charged with defaming a friend’s girlfriend by putting her naked pictures on Facebook. We will see if there are actual convictions for this.
The Magistrate Joy-Ann Pratt, after Mr. Lewis spent an unnecessary week in prison on remand, said that she had made a mistake in his arraignment and should have asked him whether he wishes to be tried in the Magistrate’s Court or the Supreme Court. He chose the former and with that he was granted bail on Thursday 29th January. The younger man was granted bail right away at his arraignment.
EJ as Constable Lewis is now known to his fans around The Bahamas and there are many and his name is now popular in the country as another word for “good raunchy sex”. As in “if you want to help your lady friend out call EJ.” Or: “she needs EJ to come and satisfy her. Or, “I wonder what her problem is; I should call EJ to set her straight”. One man was openly bemoaning the fact that his father left him shortchanged in a certain department after seeing the video and witnessing what EJ’s father bequeathed him.
Meanwhile over in La LA land, occupied by some gentlemen that call themselves The Bahamas Christian Council and headed by Rev. Ranford Patterson had this to say about events in The Bahamas.
“We do not share the view that our women should be on display as objects; accordingly, we call on all concerned to resist the push to treat our mothers, daughters and sisters with such gutter-like disrespect.
He added: “We are of the view that the promotion of immodest costumes, such as those displayed for use in the upcoming Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival, will not only promote promiscuity, but fornication, rape, incest, and other sins of the flesh as well. Such immodest and immoral body displays could well become the breeding ground for the premature sexualisation of our children as they will not be immune from these perversions.”
He was talking about the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival that the Bahamas Government proposes for May of this year to help fill the empty hotel rooms at the end of the season.
It was obviously a slow day for saving souls. Bradley Roberts, the Chair of the PLP, reminded him that well sex was around long before carnival and rape had nothing to do with Junkanoo and Carnival. The things these preachers say just floor you. One suspects it has a political motive in that he is a known fan of Hubert Ingraham, the former Prime Minister, under the FNM.
If you read social media and by that take the temperature of the land, no one but no one is checking for Ranford Patterson and his band of merry men. These are the same fellows who opposed the marital rape law and issued a statement which said that when someone marries what comes with it is the implied right to have sex at will with their wife. That’s what you call living in the dark ages.
Sorry about the language again but we hope the point is made of the rank hypocrisy that surrounds these sexual issues in this country. EJ is before the courts for spreading pornography they say. At the same time, EJ is a hero to many a young man who wishes they could do what EJ does, did and have what EJ has. That is shocking we agree but thems the facts.
In the meantime, there could be some real life public education to youngsters about these matters like the value of their bodies, values like privacy and the right to privacy, knowing the difference between what is private and what is public and what the value is in knowing the distinction between them.
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