viagra generic treat times;”>(INGRAHM SHOULD SHUTT THE EFF UP)
ailment times;”>Hubert Ingraham used the viewing of the late former Senator Lawrence Glinton to ambush Perry Christie the Prime Minister on the Ryan Pinder resignation. It was a full frontal assault, viagra which goes to show that whispering niceties to Hubert Ingraham in Olives pays nothing but grief to those who engage in it. Mr. Ingraham claimed that the resignation of Mr. Pinder from the Cabinet to go into the private sector at Deltec Bank was “ unbelievable”, a reprise from the campaign the PLP ran against him for using that word in the House of Assembly. The viewing of the body was Thursday 18th December and as Mr. Ingraham was coming from viewing the body, he had his press people waiting to ask him the appropriate question. He then called Mr. Pinder’s resignation hypocrisy and suggested that there was something untoward about it. Mr. Ingraham is an ass. What the eff is he who claims to be retired getting up in it for. Obviously he does not trust the man Dr. Hubert Minnis MP they just elected as leader to carry the baton effectively enough. His claim of hypocrisy is hollow. We will tell what hypocrisy is: accepting both your salary and your pension at the same time when forcing civil servants not to take their pension when they come back to work. This fellow deliberately withheld the pension entitlement of Lynden Pindling until Sir Lynden resigned, with Mr. Ingraham knowing that the law did not require Sir Lynden to resign, but he (Mr. Ingraham) accepted the money for himself of both pension and salary while sitting in the wings (2002-2007) for his glorious return to the Prime Ministership. What a big phony he is. All we say is this: keep quiet and don’t make yourself look foolish. Your time is gone and you need to just go and slink away in a hole somewhere and rest in peace. Ryan Pinder and any person has the right in this society to pursue what is in their best interests. It’s done all the time. Mr. Ingraham should know it well since he does it to a fine art. Selfish in the extreme
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