A former Senator of the Progressive Liberal Party Traver Whylly has been charged with indecent assault. This is most unfortunate and we say not guilty until proven otherwise. We want the record to reflect that there is a history of these kinds of prejudicial charges being made in this country, a country which has a subtext of homophobia even as homosexuality is a common feature of everyday life in the country including in the very force which makes the charges. Certainly indecent assault on a child is a serious allegation but given the history of the conduct of these types of charges, we wonder again why the authorities in this country persist. There is a history of the charges disappearing into thin air or dropped because of lack of evidence. The history many times is that the police are aware of this but they bring the charges anyway because charging the person has the result they want which is to shame the person charged and therefor inflict extra judicial punishment even though they know there will never get a conviction. It is very sad. They end up ruining lives of whole families not to mention the individual who is charged. We do not believe these charges against Mr. Whylly.