The news has been circulating that Juan McCartney, head of the Talk Show Revolution on Guardian Radio, is to join the staff of the Utilities Regulatory Competition Authority (URCA). This is the body that is responsible for the regulation of the utilities and broadcasting businesses in The Bahamas. So Mr. McCartney is of pure FNM vintage. He is of the rabid kind, who used the bully pulpit on his talk show to savage the PLP and its leaders at every turn. The almost immediate reaction by PLP partisans is how on God’s green earth Juan McCartney could be given such a position in the New Day Government. Things that make you go hmm. So, the talk is that all you have to do is cuss out the PLP and then they come running to you to give you a job to keep you quiet. The question the supporters ask: why then should we support the PLP, if the FNMs get all the rewards? Inquiring minds want to know.