viagra sale viagra medical times;”>Bahamians have a problem with Haitians it appears. Notwithstanding that the history of this country shows that the country has been in fact built on their labour, viagra there are many who would wish to have all Haitians expelled from The Bahamas. That is not the position of The Bahamas government, viagra nor should it be.
This is a difficult point even for PLPs to understand. The PLP who has been the protectors of the African ethos in this country, who should realise what it is to be despised because you are poor and Black, seem not to understand the issue. The issue which The Bahamas now faces with immigration, is not an issue of Haitians but an issue of anyone who is undocumented coming into this country without permission. That has to stop. The fact that it is driven by Bahamians should not also escape us.
It is an economic fact that all the labouring jobs which pay the minimum wage are occupied by Haitians. It is clear then that it is not the Haitians that are driving this but they fill a void which is not filled by Bahamians. They are not a drag on the country but they help develop the country. The issue is: they or no one should come in illegally.
Fast forward then to the recent event where last week a jackass by the name of Anson Alley decided that he would say some rather unfortunate words which seemed to invite an us and against them war. The Foreign Minister intervened and asked people, Bahamians who were running right out on social media seeming to want to go out an attack Haitians, to calm down. He appealed for calm and asked Bahamians not to take the law into their own hands and allow the police to work on the matter.
The police did. They referred the matter to the Director of Pubic Prosecution and it was decided not to charge the man. The Minister defended the decision. That does not mean the government agrees with it or the minister. What it means is that our system says that there was not sufficient evidence to charge the individual . The government does not decide charges.
That also does not mean that we should not be concerned. We should be concerned and we must work to eliminate this sort of implied threat to our society’s wellbeing.
In our view sometimes we have to make an example out of a case, even if you may not be able to succeed in a prosecution. Mr
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. Alley should have been charged and prosecuted and allow the courts to pronounce on his guilt or innocence in the matter. But that is the past.
What do we do now?
Young PLPs in particular have to get over this hysteria about Haitians. There is no us or them. The fact is as long as The Bahamas sits where we sit, and as long as we have a relatively prosperous economy, we will be a magnet for illegal migration from the south. It behooves us to be vigilant so that it is not done illegally. That is what the new changes are seeking to do in immigration.
All this hate talk must stop.
The Bahamians of Haitian descent themselves should stop the panic which they are spreading. Another jackass was on Facebook talking about voting against the PLP because of the new immigration policies. He is a fool. The FNM will not change these policies, silent though they are at the moment. People of Haitian descent in this country must join with the Haitian Ambassador who deplored the stupidity of Mr. Alley’s statement. They must demonstrate that this man does represent their thinking. We do not think that he does. He claimed that it was said in anger because the landlord where they paid rent to build their shanty town had just collected the rent and then the tractors came and knocked the houses down. We say again Bahamians are driving this.
All of us ought to take deep breath and support the new policies which are being implemented as of 1st November.
The photo shows Anson Alley, a self-described Haitian-Bahamian, apologizing to the Bahamian pubic for his stupid remarks made last week.
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1 Comment
Simply Mister we had enough,enough is enough, no more pandering now is the time to say to those in authority and on this site,enough is enough.