A video surfaced last week on social media which showed that Haitians were coming back to Abaco and the commentary was that despite the “no build ” order for the Mud and Pigeon Peas slum, they were headed there to rebuild. Worse than that the commentator was accusing Haitians of forming gangs going to occupy the abandoned homes of Bahamians and stealing their goods and vandalizing their homes. The report was that there is no law and order and it appears that the official government of The Bahamas has abandoned Abaco. We don’t know if its true or not but later in the week two men who were Haitians were charged with stealing cash from a home in Pelican Shores one of the upwardly mobile neighbourhoods of Marsh Harbour. There is general anger in The Bahamas now against Haitians. The belief is that they need to go back home and that there is a plot by them in these circumstances of swamping The Bahamas with their people. It is something to which the Government and its security people must pay close attention.