It has reached the point in the political term that if your wife speaks to you the wrong way, it is the PLP’s fault. Everyone is piling on. Some of it is unforced errors by the PLP itself. Others are simply greedy carping over contracts and money. Some of it is self-fulfilling prophecies by the press. The latest iteration is the Nassau Guardian claiming that the country is in an anti PLP mood. They give in evidence that the Prime Minister is out of touch with what ordinary Bahamians are feeling. This is despite the public evidence that the Prime Minister is very much aware of price inflation in the country and is seeking to ameliorate the inflation issue. They attacked his statement that expenses are often a matter of choices. They claimed that this was insensitive. They are the ones who interpreted the statement, to take it out of context, making it seem something other than it is, then they turn around and say it is his fault for being insensitive. The silly season is upon us.