The Guardian Dead Wrong On Gay Marriage
cialis see times;”>The Nassau Guardian quoted extensively from a survey done by the opinion and market research company Public Domain, cialis buy hospital headed by Umwale Rahming, viagra sale on gay marriage in The Bahamas. The survey showed that the Bahamians they interviewed do not support gay marriage in overwhelming numbers. The Guardian and Mr. Rahming then opined that this meant that this was not an issue for Bahamians. The Guardian went further to say that the critics of the amendments on female and male equality were wrong for bringing gay marriage into the equation and that they were wrong because gay marriage was not possible in law. So far so good. Then they fell into error by saying that gays were not discriminated against because as men and women they were free to marry any man or any woman. That is not the point, someone should be free to marry who they want to marry period. That means that if someone who wishes to marry someone of their own gender cannot, they are being discriminated against. That is rank discrimination. The Guardian nor Mr
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. Rahming have any idea how many people are affected by this because we have driven this into secrecy in the country. That is the great shame of The Bahamas.