We have started calling the Speaker of the House Halson Moultrie MP, his royal dumbness. If you review any of the tapes of his performance in the House of Assembly you will see why we say it. Not only is he ignorant of the rules of the House and unfit for the job of Speaker, he is so dumb he doesn’t know that he is dumb. What a time we have in this country.
In the early stages of the time he became Speaker, the Opposition moved a vote of no confidence in the Speaker. This came after an unseemly rant of homophobia and misogyny and xenophobia that was extraordinary. The Government sat by silent, said nothing and then changed the resolution to read a vote of confidence in the Speaker.
Following that the Speaker promised that he would do better. In fact, he called in the Leader of the Opposition Philip Davis and promised that he would try to be balanced. That promise has turned out to be worthless. He is worse. He has a particular problem with women.
He is always up in the face of Glenys Hanna Martin. And for what reason would you think. What issue does he particularly have with her? Is it her intellect? Is it her skin colour? Is it what she says? Is it how she says it? She speaks properly. She dresses properly. She addresses the Chair properly? So what precisely is the issue.
Some men, despite what they say, just cannot stand the thought of a woman who speaks her mind. Women are supposed to be silent and submissive. Guess again if you think that is going to be Glenys Hanna Martin.
We say though after the last experience on 29th June 2020 where the Speaker expelled Mrs. Hanna Martin for simply getting up to express her view, that went beyond the Pale. The PLP needs to take drastic action to correct the actions of the Speaker. It is time for the Leader of the Opposition to get hard and put his foot down.