discount viagra buy cialis times;”>The Speaker of the House is the presiding officer, viagra buy the arbiter of the rules and the one who is charged with keeping order. The Speaker is however governed by rules. The rules of the House are strict and they speak to most situations that arise. One of them is when a private member and that means a member of the Opposition or a backbencher of the government wants to communicate something to the House. The only occasion for that is on Member’s Statements. The old rules used to have an item in the agenda called Communications by Members. That was eliminated in the new rules.
The only other opportunities are in limited circumstances. They each require the leave of the House. In no case was the leave of the House granted last Wednesday 25th March. There is also a fifteen minute address which can take place on the adjournment. Most of these rules do not give any room for the Speaker to apply the rules in his deliberate judgment. He too must follow the rules. His role is largely at the prima facie level to determine whether the matter is to be put to the House but it is for the House to determine its business. So as difficult and as uncomfortable as that may seem, the majority is always to control the House and its agenda.
The PLP tried on Wednesday 25th March to make that case to the Speaker and failed. The Speaker decided that the matter with Alfred Gray and the Opposition was in the public domain and so the matter would be heard. He allowed the Member of Kilarney the Opposition leader to get up, draw conclusions about the Minister’s conduct and then call for his resignation. No problem with the message itself because people can disagree with the message. Only problem was it was not done within the rules
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. The Speaker’s ruling did not make it come within the rules. Unfortunately there is no appeal save the appeal to public opinion.
That of course does not go to the substance of the matter of Alfred Gray and the alleged conduct where it is alleged that he directed a judicial officer to let a convicted person go or to let him go on bail. The Minister made certain statements to the press about speaking to the Administrator in the Local Government administration who works in Mayaguana and had a case of obscene language before him which he had concluded with a guilty verdict. The Administrator then went to the press himself and said that the minister directed him to release the individual. It was not just a question of bail which the Minister indicated that he had offered advice on.
The result of the “you say and I say” is that the Minister is now relieved of his position in local government. No one seems satisfied. The PLPs are pissed off that it appears the party was badgered by a less than worthy FNM into relieving Mr. Gray of his job. The FNM and the DNA say Mr. Gray ought to resign or be fired.
There is a decided tilt in the public opinion if you go by the press and the talk shows against the government on this. No PLP voice has come to the rescue.
There has been a feeding frenzy with radio commentators blah blahing about how the Cabinet is now complicit in the wrong doing if Alfred Gray continues to be in the Cabinet. With the greatest of respect that is poppycock.
So now the matter has been turned over to the police for investigation. It is hard to see what any investigation will achieve. It does not appear to be criminal and from a political point of view will it make a difference what the outcome will be politically? This is now a quintessentially political moment for the PLP, near the end of the term. Could not have come at a worse time.
There are logical explanations that can be given for the behavior of all the actors in this but the fact is there comes a time when the public, your own supporters stop listening to explanations. They become blind deaf and dumb to any argument. They simply don’t want to hear it. It is some like Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point. So the PLP has to decide whether in their own deliberate judgment it has reached a tipping point which requires some drastic corrective action forthwith.
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