What is by far the most laughable and sad investment in Nassau over the past week? The Grand Bahama Port Authority in its wisdom, failing the people of Grand Bahama and Freeport with no investment to their account to speak of, have decided they are opening an office in Nassau. To do precisely what? The progenitor of all of this wisdom was none other than the shareholder now publicly spoiling for a fight with the Prime Minister. His name is Rupert Hayward, who is the son of the late Jack Hayward, one of the original owners of the Port. Mr. Hayward, the younger, is in a fight with the St Georges over which direction the Port is to go in the face of the government’s demands that the present shareholders must go. The one half wants to sell. The other side wants to sell but to someone they can control. The government wants them all gone. Well now they have an office in Nassau. The government can send them a bill without having to resort to the mail or Bahamasair and deliver it right to their doorstep marked: PAY ME WHAT YOU OWE ME”.