The PLP’s Chair issued a statement we publish above which indicates that the cars in Freeport belonging to the Government including ambulances and police stations remained unlicensed after the 31st March 2019 deadline. Here is the explanation from Nassau by a Ministry of Finance official about the situation in Nassau which we guess applies to Freeport where we took pictures of the offenders.
Subject: Re: Registration of Government Vehicles – Road Traffic Department
Please be advised arrangements have been made with Road Traffic Department to facilitate the licensing of all government vehicles (including vehicles without renewed insurance certificates in hand).
Kindly refer to appended email for guidance and instructions on preparing your package for delivery to Road Traffic Department as soon as possible. RTD will notify you once your package is ready for collection.
Further, the deadline for licensing government vehicles has been extended to Friday, April 5th, 2019. It is imperative all government vehicles are registered within this time frame.
Kindly note, that due to a major concert being held at the Sports Stadium this weekend, RTD will not be working overtime on Saturday and Sunday.
Your cooperation is anticipated.
Harold Williams
Asset Management Unit
Ministry of Finance
Cecil Wallace-