The Gaming Bills
The debate rages on in the public domain about the discrimination against Bahamians in the gaming sector. People keep asking what the PLP is doing? One correspondent offered this to the this column: If the PLP isn’t careful there will be no one left to get a donation from in the next election. By passing the bills in their present form this will hobble the very people who supported them in the last election. Then you have Tennyson Wells who is pissed off because no one would return his calls. He supported reportedly some four PLP candidates. The white boys will stick with the FNM because they want their country back. And since the PLP came to power, buy cialis buy viagra not one Black businessman has been empowered. Does the PLP really want to get re-elected? Even Nygard is pissed off
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. Where will they get the money? Things that make you go hmmm!