The following statement was issued by the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party :
23 FEBRUARY 2022
During the opening night of the FNM convention on 23 February, in speech after speech the FNM reminded our nation why the Bahamian people voted the disastrous Minnis administration out last September.
As Bahamians now return to work to look after their families, put food on the table and manage to pay some bills after dictator like uncaring lockdowns, the FNM took the political stage disillusioned, but with the same smugness and detached arrogance that led to their wholesale rejection by the Bahamian people on 16th September 2021.
The Minnis led FNM failed our Bahamas and Dr. Minnis continues to undermine new leader Michael Pintard while former disgraced Deputy Prime Minister, K. Peter Turnquest, struggles with fabricated facts to remain politically relevant.
This Davis led PLP government remains focused on managing the present pandemic with a working plan, growing our economy by balancing saving lives and livelihoods and leading with care and compassion. The FNM remains stuck on an unapologetic agenda and a make believe narrative.
It would be laughable if not so sad to see a party so soundly rejected by the Bahamian people on 16 September, 2021 at convention without remorse, loaded with misguided facts, overly consumed with the PLP and with no meaningful thoughts on helping to move our nation forward.
The failed FNM remains a band of experts on defending the indefensible.