Karaganda Newton aka Cardi says he is PLP but is running as an independent against Leonardo Lightbourne, the incumbent PLP MP for North Andros and the Berry Islands.
Cardi Newton of North Andros appeared in a video that was published last week. He is supposed to be a supporter and member of the PLP. He announced this at the function to which the MP Leonardo Lightbourne contributed the sum of one thousand dollars. It was supposed to be nonpolitical but Mr. Newton appeared full-faced and said that he would be running as an independent. Then when the Chairman of the PLP challenged him on the issue in a voice note on Wednesday 23 August 2023. A video note was sent out we understand by one guy from North Andros not only attacking the MP but spreading malicious and salacious attacks on Fred Mitchell, the Chairman. Here’s the thing. The only thing that counts is whether or not the money of one thousand dollars was accepted by Mr. Newton for the function from Mr. Lightbourne, the MP. If so, then did Mr. Newton says he was running against the MP? All the rest is rubbish and does not change those facts. That’s all: true or false