seek times;”>On Monday 22nd June, this is how Tameka Thompson, an Editor at The Tribune described the week before in the Progressive Liberal Party writing under the headline: Chaos In The PLP:
“For the past two weeks the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has been mired in internal chaos, with two of its Members of Parliament abandoning ship in near succession, citing the party’s poor leadership as a main catalyst.
“The PLP’s love affair with the old guard – those senior members who put party protocol and bureaucracy over fresh ideas and freedom of speech – is another point of contention that has frustrated newcomers to the organisation.”
First of all the only chaos in the PLP is in the vivid imagination of Tameka Thompson. She must be dreaming. There is no chaos in the PLP and there is no objective evidence that there is chaos in the PLP. This is yet another dressed up attempt in honest broker clothes which is simply designed to sully the PLP because these folk oppose the PLP politically. They don’t have an objective bone in their body. This one has now joined the anti PLP brigade of Candia Dames and is off to the races with horse feces.
Secondly, on what basis is the argument put that the senior members of the PLP “put protocol and bureaucracy over fresh ideas and freedom of speech”. Where is the objective evidence of that? She is talking about the fact that Greg Moss MP and Andre Rollins MP both resigned from the PLP. Let’s examine the facts.

The writer Tameka Thompson is female yet she is defending as the authors of fresh ideas, two young men whose only fresh idea that we can think of was to say they are opposing equal rights for women and that they will vote against the bills in the House, doing so under the spurious and false claim that it gives cover to same sex marriage. They are not purveyors of fresh ideas at all but the same male chauvinist nonsense that came before now. The reality is that it is the senior PLPs who have the fresh ideas. How a female writer can write such utter bull is beyond us?
As for freedom of speech. Who was taking away the freedom of speech of these two men? The Prime Minister Perry Christie who they despise and criticise, would not allow PLP partisans to throw Mr. Rollins out of the party or Mr. Moss. Mr. Rollins was busy cussing the Prime Minister every week. Nothing done to him. He upped and resigned himself by his own hand claiming that something was done to him when the reality was he simply did not want to speak when it was his turn. Mr. Moss’ ego was not big enough to be in the PLP and he left.
Ms. Thompson used in aid and comfort of her arguments about Mr. Christie the words of two has been politicians. One is Malcolm Adderley who scorched the earth and burnt his bridges as he was going out of the PLP’s door when he left. Mr. Christie survived that and won the general election after that, so what is her point exactly. Obviously the Bahamian people did not accept what Mr. Adderley said. Similarly, she used Kenyatta Gibson who lashed out in a personal way at Mr. Christie as well. That too failed and Mr. Gibson lost his seat. Mr. Christie became Prime Minister again despite it.
No one has said the election was crooked or rigged. It was a fair and free election with a transparent process which resulted in his being Prime Minister.
The article was simply embarrassing nonsense, filled with non-sequiturs, prejudice and ad hominem foolishness which cannot be sustained by objective evidence. But then she writes as the successor to the asshole ideas man, John Marquis so no one is surprised.
1 Comment
These morons in the press do not seek out fact. Young face equals fresh ideas, they can’t tell one thing these guy believe other than they don’t like Christie. Honestly though I could deal with Greg Moss, Rollins remind me of that drunk guy arguing from facts that only exist in the dark corners of his own little mind, the drama queen that is Wells who will not be outdone is just waiting for his 15 mins of fame.