Senator Jobeth Davis went chapter and verse at the FNM and their so called housing programme when she spoke in the Senate on Thursday 31st January on a resolution to transfer 1.2 acres of land in Fox Hill to the Minister of Housing. There are ten lots, not houses but lots which has the infrastructure being sold for 30,000 dollars and the buyer will have to build. The PLP does not support that concept as a way to address the housing shortage. The Senator said this:
“, the announcement would not have been so insulting to Bahamians if they had announced the development of maybe 10-15 acres of land for private sale but no, the announcement involves 10 lots on less than 1.5 acres. One intriguing question, Madame President, and I would love to hear this answer. How will ten lots be sold to hundreds of persons waiting for a home. How will the financing of the purchase and the construction of the homes be affected? How?”