FNM Chair Duane Sands and Michael Pintard Leader
Michael Pintard violated the rules of the House of Assembly when he stood up to try to rebut the communication of the Prime Minister on the FTX collapse. Mr. Pintard was also wrong in his assertions in his text. He claimed that the Prime Minister did not affirm the strength of the jurisdiction. That was a lie. The Prime Minister was full, direct, and clear in his defence of the jurisdiction.
But the attempted rebuttal in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 16 November 2022, was just another in a series of attempts to sully the record of the PLP by shouting loudly and getting the support of their minders in the Bahamian press.
Next step was he and the useless Chairman of the FNM Duane Sands showed up and attempted a trespass on the Office of the Prime Minister on Friday 18 November 2022 to determine they said whether any minister of the Government had spoken to the principals of FTX since the collapse. They were stopped dead in their tracks by the police but not before the press showed up so they could get their little set piece in the news.
Michael Pintard, Duane Sands are on the wrong side again. The question they should ask is why is Brain Simms still serving as liquidator when his partner Michael Paton is sitting on the Securities Commission. All these other lawyers and accountants and the Securities Commission chooses Brian Simms to be the liquidator. It is wrong and Mr. Simms should be removed or step down.
But of course, we know that this won’t happen since Mr. Simms is probably aligned with their party and their economic interests.
But wrong again Michael Pintard and the FNM
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