There is a picture circulating on line where the Deputy Leader of the Free National Movement Shanendon Cartwright is seen at the House of Assembly’s eastern window proclaiming his pride at throwing the mace out of the window. It was a shameful act, making a mockery out of our history. Yet the meme circulated by the FNM has him as their person of the year. That means they were quite proud of what he did and it seems that this has energized the troops. There is a report that Michaël Pintard, the Leader of the Opposition, is now flush with cash having been refreshed by his backers with new money. Bottom line is despite the distraction of the insurgent Hubert Minnis, trying to dethrone Mr. Pintard, the FNM feels it has the wind at its back. And why not? PLPs won’t open their mouths to defend their cause and the cause of the Prime Minister, so the FNM is entitled to think given the record of ousting incumbent governments in The Bahamas over the last 30 years that they will win.