Michael Pintard and Dr. Duane Sands of the Free National Movement are developing quite a reputation for being merchants of doom and gloom. Every word that comes out of their mouth is a prayer for crop failure. They are hoping that whatever the PLP plans to do for the country will fail. The latest is the call for Alfred Sears to resign as National Insurance Minister. Resign for what? They claim he misled the country on the national insurance hike; They based that on the fact the Prime Minister issued a statement which indicated that the 1.5 per cent increase that we were advised to do each two year period for he next twenty years may not be the decision to follow. But if they examine it with a logical eye, what the FNM is saying does not make sense. The Minister read what the actuaries said. The Prime Minister simply said we may not do that. Bottom line though is if we do not do something to fix it, the fund will be broke by 2028. So fix it we must. The role of Mr. Pintard and Dr. Sands is sow confusion and mix up. Praying for crop failure.