viagra usa store times;”>Big Sexy, viagra usa aka Loretta Butler Turner MP, doesn’t have much to say these days in the face of the scandal that has whirled around the FNM administration during the time that she served as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation. Last week, we reported that Alstrom, a French industrial company, pleaded guilty in the US Courts to bribing foreign officials and one country named as The Bahamas. It turns out that a $300,000 bribe was paid to an official known in the US papers only a Official Number 8. The Minister at the time was Frank Watson, the Deputy Prime Minister. Quite incredulously Mr
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. Watson said in the past week to the press that he was unaware of any controversy over the allocation of the contract for the equipment to BEC. He must be blind deaf and dumb. Bradley Roberts, the PLP chairman, has fingered Mr. Watson as the man who must have the answers. The Chairman of the Board at the time J. Barrie Farrington went public during the week and told the press that the person who accepted the bribe was a “traitor” to The Bahamas and must be ferreted out. He wrote a letter to the Prime Minister asking for a Commission to investigate the matter. The Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson says that she has requested the documents from the U S government. The former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, who usually has a big mouth on these things is strangely silent. Our attention though is on loud, fat big mouth Loretta Butler Turner, the former Deputy Leader of the FNM, who is always busy accusing the PLP of corruption. Now you can’t hear a peep from her and her big fat mouth. Cat gat her tongue.
(The photos from Bahamas Press show: BEC Board Members who are wrapped up in a scandal over bribe taking: the late Vincent D’Aguilar, J Barrie Farrington, former Chairman, Wendy Warren, Brian Moree, Sharon Brown and Loretta Butler Turner aka Big Sexy—Editor)