During the past week, there has been one thing after the next in terms of disinformation. The PLP needs a whole team, if they do not have one already, to combat this disinformation. Last week, the FNM circulated what was supposed to be a list of single source contractors or providers of government services since the PLP came to office in 2021. The first thing is the list is inaccurate. This inaccuracy was pointed out by the PLP’s Chairman Fred Mitchell in a voice note on Friday 7 February 2025. Notwithstanding the inaccuracies though, it received wide circulation and the propaganda worked. The next thing you knew was this PLP was accusing the next PLP of having more contracts than the other one and so on and so on. No one seemed to question whether what was circulated was true. The Chairman pointed of that the FNM has a fascination with moral rectitude, even though they have proven by far to be the most morally corrupt and bankrupt political party in The Bahamas, except for the racist UBP who is their partner in politics. We join the Chairman and again warn PLPs not to accept uncritically the statements of FNM origin. The first question they should ask and demand is: is it true? You should come to the table knowing that if it is an FNM sourced document, there is a presumption of falsehood.