The Extortionist Clock Man At Work To Sabotage The PLP’s Victory Chances
“ They call him the watchman, because he likes to watch man”— Henry Claude
Last week the Progressive Liberal Party again put out a note warning its members about wolves in sheep’s clothing who disguise themselves on FB, Instagram and What’s App. There are about five people led by someone who calls himself after a time piece. They fancy themselves as clever political experts but are too clever by half. They are trying to extort Philip Brave Davis to pay money to shut them up. They are a sad and sickening fact of life. The problem so many PLPs have is that they like to pass around propaganda from the other side, saying “ have you heard this of have you read this?” The party has again advised the faithful not to pass these messages around but simply delete them, move on and ignore them. The faithful should not be distracted by nonsense. These folk present themselves as PLPs and on that basis have been allowed into PLP chat groups. They are not. They are trojan horses, FNM’s in disguise. Slick pretenders and extortionists. They are sellers to the highest bidder.