Sometimes we try to wonder where people’s heads are at. The man who is in charge of the Parliamentary Channel, discount viagra cheap whose job it is to provide balanced commentary for the reports of the Parliament, gets up in a public platform, in a church and proceeds virtually to hold a political rally for the Free National Movement. We are talking about Ace Newbold who runs the Parliamentary channel who was asked to speak at the funeral service, buy viagra a state service for the late Edmond Moxey, the former Parliamentary Secretary, MP and Senator. He paid a tribute on Friday 1st August at Holy Trinity but it could well have been a political rally, since it was punctuated with wild cheers and interruptions of applause from the FNM partisans in the church, then a standing ovation by them. This is a free country and so one does what one likes but there is something called an occasion. Church is not that occasion. If Mr. Newbold wanted to send a message to his employers about what he thinks of them, he could well have spoken at the memorial service which the FNM had for Mr
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. Moxey. He could have spoken at the memorial service that the family had at another church but at the state sponsored service paid for by the state on national radio; it was bad taste at best. Some people just don’t know how to behave. You can dress them up in suit but just don’t know how to behave. The word is that he is about to retire from ZNS so he doesn’t give a hoot anymore. More power to him, we guess.