The disabilities bill: Melanie Griffin presents
NASSAU, sildenafil doctor The Bahamas – Wednesday’s tabling of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities) Bill, viagra sales 2014, in the House of Assembly signals that the end of discrimination against Persons with Disabilities is now clearly in sight, Minister of Social Services and Community Development, the Hon. Melanie Sharon Griffin said.The tabling of the Bill in the Lower Chamber of Parliament took place one week ahead of the country’s celebration of its 41st Anniversary as an independent nation and just nine months after The Bahamas signed onto the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Mrs. Griffin said both events bring special purpose to the tabling of the Bill at this time – particularly with the celebrations of Independence one week away. “As we stand on the threshold of our 41st Anniversary of Independence, thumb it is significant that we are about to embark on an exercise designed to enhance and provide greater independence for persons with disabilities throughout this country,” Mrs. Griffin said.
“The community of persons with disabilities has been waiting a long, long time for this day, in fact, some who started on this journey have passed on to the Great Beyond, but we thank God for those who are with us whom, ailment by His Grace, will be able to witness for themselves that the end to discrimination against persons with disabilities in The Bahamas is now clearly in sight,” Mrs. Griffin added. Minister Griffin said the first significant step towards making Wednesday’s event a reality was taken on September 24, 2013 in New York, USA, when The Bahamas became the 157th signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at U.N. Headquarters.
“Today, we take the second major step with the tabling of this Bill. I expect, that in short order (and) with the full support of the Honourable House Members on both sides of the divide, we will take the Third and most important step – that of the Passing and Enactment of the legislation to provide for the rights and equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities in The Bahamas.”
Mrs. Griffin said a lot of work went into drafting the Bill that was tabled in the House of Assembly Wednesday.
“There were many long and lively discussions in the process of drafting this Bill. Some strong views were presented from various sides
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. Naturally, there were some disagreements and some issues upon which compromises had to be reached, but through it all, there was the commitment to get the job done for the benefit of a large segment of our population who – over these many years – have been ostracized, disenfranchised and often treated like second-class citizens in their own country.
“Today, we can truly join the Community of Persons with Disabilities in saying: ‘To God be the Glory, Great things He has done.”’
Mrs. Griffin said the purpose of the present Convention as outlined in the first paragraph of Article I of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
“Today, we have moved to make this statement a reality in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”
Mrs. Griffin foreshadowed that the legislation will require some “consequential amendments” to the Road Traffic Act. The amendments will be shared with Members during the debate.
The Social Services Minister said for far too long, Persons with Disabilities have been blocked from sidewalks – where they exist; left on bus stops by uncaring drivers; all too frequently been unable to find appropriate housing; far too often been denied “even the very consideration for financing or insurance and even the most basic of education.”
“Today though, we stand at the dawn of a new day, a brighter day for persons with disabilities in the land of their birth”Mrs. Griffin said she envisages an early passage of the Bill and enactment of the legislation to ensure “disability-inclusive development and the achievement of equalisation of opportunities for Persons with Disabilities within our shores.”
She publicly thanked the many persons who played roles in developing the legislation over the many years and those who attended the House Session Wednesday as part of her entourage – including those who serve as chairpersons and/or presidents of the non-governmental organisations who work on behalf of Persons with Disabilities and others who have championed their cause over the years.
“Some are themselves Persons with Disabilities while others are parents or guardians or caregivers of Persons with Disabilities. I also applaud the efforts of the members of the Disability Advisory Committee that worked diligently on the Bill over the years with the Ministry. All of them would have had some input and should therefore be proud and indeed immensely gratified, to witness at last the tabling of the Bill.”