U S President Joe Biden
The U S President Joe Biden, hosting the 75th anniversary of the NATO summit in Washington DC last week, seemed quite alright he gave a press conference and was his usual sore-throated self and a few gaffes but basically had command of his faculties. The leaders of NATO thought nothing of it. However, his Democratic Party is in full-throated revolt, saying that he has to go.
So far Mr. Biden has said, “Damn the torpedoes”. However, it is looking more and more like the fix is in. The Democratic Party is heading it seems for the kind of meltdown that took place in 1972 when Richard Nixon trounced them. When because their Vice Presidential Candidate Senator Thomas Eagleton did not disclose a history of mental illness, they moved him from the ticket. The Democratic Party went down in flames.
The Republican Party of the United States has no moral anchor and no moral authority. They are a danger to world peace.
But in the face of that and their morally bankrupt and unethical candidate Donald Trump, you have a weak and feckless Democratic Party arguing about a man’s age.
This is really disgraceful.
It’s their country though and what can The Bahamas do about it but live with the result?
We urge every Bahamian who has a vote to support Joe Biden for President of the United States.
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