So with the covid numbers wildly out of control, the country opened up to tourists from America, where the numbers are also wildly out of control, the hospitals in The Bahamas announcing: don’t bring me your sick and tired unless it’s an emergency; the Minister of Health Renward Wells announced that the country is to shut down again. He announced some half way measures on 223 July 2021 which will prohibit eating in doors again, will cut down on church services again, which will stop humans from roaming after ten in the night until 5 in the morning and the best of all it will stop the PLP from campaigning unless the people are vaccinated. So the police who have real crimes to spot and criminals to catch will have the duty of checking people who don’t have a vaccine and writing them a ticket or are they going to arrest them? What a set of asses these FNM Ministers are. The Prime Minister is to add insult to injury by addressing the country further on the matter later today.