The Bahamian people are too silent on this issue. We have raised the alarm several times since the ruling of Indra Charles in the Bahamian courts that sought to stop Parliament from discussing a matter of public importance. Neither the Speaker nor the Government stood up to the bad ruling that she made in law. The FNM Government craven as they are withdrew the appeal. They love Fred Smith Q C who funded their campaign. He was the lawyer who secured the bad ruling and now of course he is kicking them in the ass because of the immigration issues they are pursuing. Today though the situation is even worse with judges kicking the public out of the court so they cannot hear a case. The constitution says that court hearings should take place in public. Then here are the series of gag orders against the press from discussing and reporting on the Shane Gibson case. The lousy press in The Bahamas lay supinely on their backs and just took it without nary a word. Even the House of Assembly and the Senate which are supposed to be the freest forum in the country has the presiding officer is seeking to suppress free speech at every turn.